What’s up with single ladies & many chances?

What’s up with single ladies & many chances?

A friend of mine has been going through tough times with her guy,  for a while now. The guy has cheated, lied, not kept his words, and my dear friend, just keeps forgiving and accepting this guys back into her life.  I mean, I like the part of forgiveness which is so good, and needful.

Finally, my friend decided to move on, and I was very happy for her decision.

However, in less than a week, she came to show me an engagement ring, saying “its all settled now, we are in a better place”. She also showed me the guy’s messages saying how much he loves her. And am like “really??? that fixes everything?? Of course, I couldn’t blame her,  because I’ve been in her shoes before, and so have many other ladies I know…but then the question is why do ladies do this to themselves? why do we keep hanging on? Why do we believe a guy that has lied, cheated, never kept to his words, why do we take them when they crawl back??

Is it the lack of confidence in ourselves that we can meet a better person? Come to think of it, if the guy is already a bad person, chances are that you won’t meet worse but a better person. He that is down really needs fear no fall.

So, just take a bold step and step put of that web of unending chances that gradually saps the peace out of you! Let me know what you think.

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