The Blessings and Lessons

The Blessings and Lessons

What an eventful year it really has been!

As we move close to the end of 2020, we should take a moment to reflect on the lessons we’ve learnt from the events of 2020. Perhaps, some of these lessons might help in our resolutions for the year ahead!

A major event that shook the world in 2020 is COVID-19! In my own moment of reflection, here are my takeaways –  

  1. Believe it or not, God indeed got the whole world in His hands –Medical practitioners and scientist, still do not fully understand the virus. A vaccine has been developed and then another variation the virus is discovered! If humans intentionally created this virus, it did get out of their very own control. Man is not in control of the world! When push comes to shove, we know who the Master of the universe is!
  2. Family and Friends mean the world: Then came the lockdown and many couldn’t go to work. We all stayed at home, browsed social media, watched movies, and got tired of staring at the TV. Our solace was having family and friends we could talk with, either in person or over the phone/video calls. Maintain good contact with friends and family, you just might need them.
  3. Savings is a must have: Many lost their jobs or had to take a temporary cut in wages, and leave on their savings. It’s always good to have something to fall back on.
  4. Another means of income – Just like the savings, It’s always good to have something to fall back on.
  5. Having two of everything you need and getting a restock when you ‘are running out of the first one. This became very important when stores ran out of many items.
  6. Good immunity cannot be overrated – Those who easily fell prey of the virus were people with weak immunity and pre-existing conditions. It is so important to do what we can to build our immunity – good diet, good sleep, exercise, vitamins and supplements are all vital.
  7. Never take anything for granted – the little things we take for granted like dashing to the store to grab an item or two became a rigorous task. First you had to mask up, stand six feet apart from the next customer, wipe down everything you bring into the house, wash your hands, put your cloths in the washer immediately, etc.
  8. Appreciate the good simple and good things of life – The simple things like not needing to wash your hands every 20 mins. I’ve always been a neat person, but darn! I would really love to stop washing my hands like 20 times a day…the chemicals are beginning to take their tolls? Appreciate just being able to pack your bags and hop on a flight for vacation.
  9. Be thankful for everything – Yes, similar to the two previous points, be thankful! My prayer of thanks sure grew tenfold.
  10. Do not be a Christian just on Sundays – The love of many sure waxed cold, since they could not go to the church in person. We all had to rely on online services. Let our first church be our genuine and personal relationship with God.

If any of these points resonates with you, please feel free to add your comments or share your lessons or blessings from COVID-19.

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