Awesomely blessed & Superbly Grateful

Awesomely blessed & Superbly Grateful

*Awesomely blessed, Superbly Grateful & Basking in the Joy of the Lord!
Today, as I turn another year, the caption of this post is what the Lord placed in my heart.. And indeed that’s my feeling, my story and my testimony.

Looking back to the years I was learning to walk as a child..God was there with me, as He was before my being..

Looking back to my teenage years, when I started the journey of self-discovery….God was with me.
Looking back to my introduction to adulthood, as I embarked on the journey of self-realisation…..His eyes were with me..

And as a young adult, when I  I struggled to make the right decisions, and ended up making some terrible ones lol…..His mercy came to my rescue

And well into adulthood, through life challenges, all visible/invisible battles within and without..He remained my Mighty-Man-in-battle…making provisions for my inadequacies

I don’t often look into the past, but to glean a  reflection of God’s loving-kindness upon my life

Thank you Lord for being my rock, my shield, my ever present help, and the lifter of my head!  Your grace and blessing is more than I can ever recount..oh for a thousand tongues to sing my dear redeemer’s praise!
Looking forward to more years of God’s grace, peace, joy and blessings…God will always be there for me…It’s just so great resting in the assurance of His love!
Indeed! I’m Awesomely Blessed 🙌and Superbly Grateful! 🙏
A very happy birthday to me!!!🙂

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